Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Preparing for the Kodiak Marine Debris Art Project

We are still weeks away from hosting artist-in-residence Sheryl Maree Reilly to begin work on the numerous small mosaics and the massive sculpture that will be the centerpiece of the ongoing Kodiak Marine Debris art project.  But dozens of volunteers have already helped get the materials ready.

We were thrilled to have 23 people turn out on November 19th to help do the initial sorting, organizing unsorted marine debris neatly into cubic-yard bags of plastic, metal, foam, or line.  What took a few of us an entire week in 2010 took this crew just two hours.  At  the end of the day we had our entire haul sorted and ready for recycling.

Meanwhile, industrial artist Christian Bell is in his own studio, welding and fabricating the armature that will be the "skeleton" of a giant octopus, the featured piece of the KMDAP.  He sent us this photo last night.

As you can see, this multi-faceted project is coming together.  Stay tuned to ITN for more information about ways you can help with the Kodiak Marine Debris Art Project!

Call for Submissions

ITN is calling for submissions to our 2012 Kodiak Outdoor Film Festival!  It seems that helmet cams, iPhones, and digital recording devices are everywhere these days, with countless gigs of video on everyone's home computer.  This annual event held every April attempts to bring that footage to life in front of a live audience, and winds up being a hootin' and hollerin' evening of wild entertainment.  But the search for the year's best footage begins months in advance, and it starts with YOU.  So check out our KOFF page and download submission guidelines to show off your adventures and abilities!  Deadline for submissions is March 16, 2012.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Perenosa Trail Breaks Ground

After much anticipation we broke ground on the 1000' Perenosa Trail connecting Katmai Drive to Sitkinak Drive and connecting two otherwise disconnected neighborhoods.  Frozen ground has prevented some drainage features and landscaping to be completed, and these finishing touches will be added this spring. Many thanks to Kodiak Lawn Care for their generous donations of time and equipment to this project.