Thursday, April 12, 2012

Help us complete this Marine Debris Masterpiece!

This Saturday, join dozens of other students and volunteers who have worked on creating "Ophelia", a giant Octopus created entirely of marine debris! This is part of an outreach effort by ITN and Kodiak High School art program to teach more people about the marine debris phenomenon and the impacts of the plastic and derelict fishing gear washing up on our shores.

Volunteers will be cutting, sorting and washing marine debris and placing individual pieces on the Octopus. The completed sculpture will then be placed on display in the KHS foyer.

Volunteer should use the front entrance to the high school (near the office).

What:  Marine Debris art workshop
Where:  Kodiak High School art room (use front entrance near office, follow signs)
When:  Saturday, April 14 12-5 PM, or any portion thereof!
Who:  KHS Art Program and Island Trails Network

See you there!

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