Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Trail enthusiasts:  the future of the Russian Ridge trail system will be re-shaped tonight.  Come to the KIB Parks & Recreation trails summit and make your voice heard!

Tonight at 7:00 PM Kodiak High School Commons, the Kodiak Island Borough Parks and Recreation Committee will be holding the first public “TRAILS SUMMIT” This meeting is an opportunity for residents to share ideas, discuss issues and talk about the conditions found on our trails in an effort to improve their enjoyment. During the meeting, special emphasis will center on the Russian Ridge Trail System.

Items to be discussed include: Introduction of the newly adopted Road System Trails Master Plan to the community. Opportunity to comment on trails along the road system. Share concerns; suggest improvements (bridges, trail hardening etc.). Information gathered at this Trails Summit will be the topic of future Parks and Recreation meetings. The second part of the meeting will be a focused on a discussion about Russian Ridge Trail System. The P&R Committee is looking for public input in the development of a Trail Management Objective (TMO) for this area located between Selief Lane and Monashka Bay Road. This trail system is a multi-use area popular with motorized and non-motorized users. This trail was identified through the Trails Plan process as an important community trail. Part of this area has also been considered for residential disposal at a future Borough land sale.
Please come share your ideas.

For more information, please contact the Community Development Department at 486-9363

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