Greenbelt Narrowly Survives Landfill Re-zone
A group of concerned residents in Monashka Bay recently saved large tracts of borough-owned greenbelt from being zoned for industrial use. The greenbelt between the borough landfill and Monashka Bay has long been a corridor for hikers and recreationists and has several scenic destinations along its route. A movement this winter by the borough to bring their landfill up to code and prepare it for expansion by rezoning from "C-Conservation" to "I-Industrial" stirred controversy when the Monashka Bay community realized that could mean losing the forested greenbelt buffering the landfill from Monashka Bay and residential streets Marmot Drive and Forest Drive.

A January vote of the borough assembly scaled back the footprint of the parcel occupied by the landfill and directed borough staff to work closely with the Monashka bay road service district to find ways to protect this important green corridor. Through a series of public meetings and a well-attended community hike the neighborhood residents have articulated their request for an enlarged greenbelt to be replatted and zoned "natural use" and identified a proposed trail route through the area. Although ITN has no immediate plans to improve this trail we have given testimony in support of their proposals and will continue to work to preserve access to this area. Hikers who choose to explore this route will find some wind-deposited debris scattered in the woods. But with improved sophistication of our landfill and some stewardship of this area we may one day see this tract return to pristine form
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